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1. Acueduct

Symbol of the cityAccording to the latest research, it may have been built during the reign of Emperor Trajan to carry water from the Aceveda River to the city. This impressive civil engineering work,...

2. Royal Street (Calle Real)

Pedestrian route from the Aqueduct to the Main Square, followed by kings and queens on their way to their dwellings. Formed by the streets Cervantes, Juan Bravo and Isabel la Católica, and the small s...

3. Canaleja Viewpoint (Mirador de la Canaleja)

Panoramic viewpoint over Guadarrama mountain range, and within it, the profile of the “Dead Woman” Mountain in the horizon. Here the visitor´s eyes rest on the roofs of San Millán quarter (see no. 68)...

4. House of the Peaks (Casa de los Picos)

15th century. It belonged to the Hoz (“sickle”) family, whose coat of arms can be seen above its front door. The diamond-shaped decoration had both a defensive and an ornamental function. Next to it t...

7. Corn Exchange (Alhóndiga)

Beginning of the 16th century. Main grain storehouse in the city, whose coat of arms is repeated on its façade. It preserves its original functional structure. It houses the City Historic Archive and ...

13. Royal Prison (Cárcel Real)

18th century. City public prison until the early 20th century. Its entrance hall shelters the Romanesque façade of a former hermit in the province of Segovia dedicated to Saint Medel. Reading House (C...